Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Countdown Is On!

I am Soooooooooooooooo excited to go see Colton! He called this weekend to tell me that he survived BEAST week, I think he is as excited to see us as we are to see him! Only 8 more days!!!

In other news, Ian was goofing around at the church last Wednesday night and punched a wall. He broke it of course. We spent most of Thursday at the hospital having the bones set. The Dr. wanted to set it in the OR just in case they had to pin it. Lucky me gets to pay for the Dr., the OR, the extra ER - - I am so irritated! But I still love him and feel bad that he is in pain.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Parents - can't live with them, people will think your a wierdo!

Well this last couple of weeks have been a little no a lot stressful. First Dad Fink gets an enlarged prostate and spends a couple of days in the hospital and had the lovely experience of wearing a cathater for a week. Then my mom decides to have a massive blood clot in her lungs and one in her leg. She spent this week in the hospital. I got to bring her home today. My dad had decided to stop taking his heart medication because it gives him a runny nose! What the heck????!!?

Colton is doing well in Basic. Sunday starts week 6 which means the BEAST. It is an acronym for something, looks to me like they go out into the woods camping and playing war games. I hope that he does well. I got a letter from him on Wednesday and he got to find out that part of his Environmental job is PEST CONTROL! He said "I'm pissed!" I find it funny but I know I cannot tell him that! I know that it would be a safe job and it would give him time to go to college and get his education. I hope that I get to talk to him tomorrow.

Other great news - Kelly surprised me with a diamond ring!!!!!!! It is absolutley gorgeous!!!! I am such a lucky, and maybe a little spoiled, girl!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Remember the Alamo!

That's right folks! I am going to San Antonio! I have booked the non-refundable flight, reserved a room and a car and plan to see my boy! I am so excited that Colton is already 1/2 of the way through basic! As long as he does not get recycled (the Air Force way of failing) we will be going to his graduation February 6!

I did get a phone call from the Missionaries that serve at Lackland AFB, Colton attended services and they took a picture to send to me! Here it is:

He is sooooooo good looking in a uniform!

I have had a few letters from him and he sounds so grown up! A few guys in his flight got caught with candy on new years eve and got recycled back to week zero! Yikes - I cannot imagine! He has had KP duty twice now. The first time they hosted a squadron and had 1,000 people for breakfast and lunch and dinner! He worked his tail off and got Chocolate milk and frozen yogurt as a treat, he said it may not sound like much, but it is like gold there! :o) The next time he had KP, the lady in charge gave him a letter that he could trade in for a phone call. He got to call me on Saturday night, it was a terrible connection but it was AWESOME to hear him say "hey mom!". He also reports that he got a compliment from the TI during Drill Practice. The TI said that "Fink was the only one in the flight with discipline" and then made everyone look at his discipline. Now, I think that I am pretty up on things, but I always thought that discipline was a verb and not a noun!! I think that I will have to get him to explain that one when I see him!