Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Remember the Alamo!

That's right folks! I am going to San Antonio! I have booked the non-refundable flight, reserved a room and a car and plan to see my boy! I am so excited that Colton is already 1/2 of the way through basic! As long as he does not get recycled (the Air Force way of failing) we will be going to his graduation February 6!

I did get a phone call from the Missionaries that serve at Lackland AFB, Colton attended services and they took a picture to send to me! Here it is:

He is sooooooo good looking in a uniform!

I have had a few letters from him and he sounds so grown up! A few guys in his flight got caught with candy on new years eve and got recycled back to week zero! Yikes - I cannot imagine! He has had KP duty twice now. The first time they hosted a squadron and had 1,000 people for breakfast and lunch and dinner! He worked his tail off and got Chocolate milk and frozen yogurt as a treat, he said it may not sound like much, but it is like gold there! :o) The next time he had KP, the lady in charge gave him a letter that he could trade in for a phone call. He got to call me on Saturday night, it was a terrible connection but it was AWESOME to hear him say "hey mom!". He also reports that he got a compliment from the TI during Drill Practice. The TI said that "Fink was the only one in the flight with discipline" and then made everyone look at his discipline. Now, I think that I am pretty up on things, but I always thought that discipline was a verb and not a noun!! I think that I will have to get him to explain that one when I see him!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are going to see Colton soon. I'm really impressed with how much he has grown in such a short time! Isn't it just amazing :) Good for him!!!

Katie said...

I found your blog! I can't believe it. I didn't even know you had one.
I am a dork and I have 2.
I am so excited for you.
You know, going to San Antonio and all.