Friday, January 16, 2009

Parents - can't live with them, people will think your a wierdo!

Well this last couple of weeks have been a little no a lot stressful. First Dad Fink gets an enlarged prostate and spends a couple of days in the hospital and had the lovely experience of wearing a cathater for a week. Then my mom decides to have a massive blood clot in her lungs and one in her leg. She spent this week in the hospital. I got to bring her home today. My dad had decided to stop taking his heart medication because it gives him a runny nose! What the heck????!!?

Colton is doing well in Basic. Sunday starts week 6 which means the BEAST. It is an acronym for something, looks to me like they go out into the woods camping and playing war games. I hope that he does well. I got a letter from him on Wednesday and he got to find out that part of his Environmental job is PEST CONTROL! He said "I'm pissed!" I find it funny but I know I cannot tell him that! I know that it would be a safe job and it would give him time to go to college and get his education. I hope that I get to talk to him tomorrow.

Other great news - Kelly surprised me with a diamond ring!!!!!!! It is absolutley gorgeous!!!! I am such a lucky, and maybe a little spoiled, girl!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Your ring is beautiful. Colton needs to know that everyone starts in the mail room!!!! love you, Denise